Can I use the resources on the THC Virtual Learning Portal in my own lessons?

Yes. Please use the resources in the THC’s Virtual Learning Portal however you think they will work best for your instruction. Additional learning resources are also available on the THC’s Learning Resources webpage. All THC learning resources are free to use.

Does the THC Virtual Learning Portal require logins or track student information?

No. Logins are not required, and student information is not tracked.

Are synchronous virtual field trips available with historic sites educators in addition to the asynchronous lessons on this portal?

Yes. Please contact a state historic site to arrange a synchronous virtual field trip. Contact information for each state historic site is available on the THC website.

Can educators view analytics for their students assigned Virtual Field Trips?

Each learner is able to print a record of each interaction result within a learning module. However, because there are no required logins, group data is not collected or stored.

How can I recommend new field trip themes and content?

Contact us at eLearning@thc.texas.gov

Can these modules be imported to other digital learning platforms?

Yes. The THC Virtual Learning Portal can be integrated into multiple digital platforms via hyperlink or URL.

How should I credit these modules if sharing?

Texas Historical Commission Virtual Learning Portal